

DIM: Because Broccoli Isn’t Enough

“Eat your broccoli!” Your parents probably said that to you more than once when you were young…usually followed by “or no dessert!” You’ve probably said it to your kids, too. (We all become our parents at some point. It’s okay.) As it happens, there’s actually some...

Support Your Brain…and Body…with PS

As you get older, you could notice your brain slowing down. You might have more trouble remembering things. Or your mind might not seem as sharp as it once was. Just another unavoidable result of aging? Not necessarily. In fact, to a degree these cognitive changes can...

Eight Things All Women…and Men…Need to Know About Pelvic Floor Health

If you’re like most people, when you hear the term “pelvic floor” you probably think “pelvic what?” The pelvic floor is actually an important part of your body. Furthermore, pelvic floor health is worthy of your attention…especially as you get older. Here are eight...

SAMe: A Lesser Known, But Very Important Supplement

SAMe may be one of the most important compounds your body produces. And yet, if you’re like most people, you’ve probably never heard of it. Known in the scientific community as S-adenosyl-L-methionine, SAMe is produced in your liver from the amino acid methionine....

Preventative Maintenance for Your Health

When you own something valuable, it makes sense to take good care of it…so it will perform better for longer. Think of your car. You change the oil regularly, get the brakes checked, keep the engine tuned up, and you replace worn tires. Why? Because when you...

Keep Your Sex Drive Alive

As people age, hormones decline. And as hormones decline, the human body tends to slow down. Energy levels diminish…muscle mass decreases…even the amount of sleep you get at night suffers. All of these changes and more can begin as early as your thirties. Something...

Methyl-what? (And Why It’s Important)

This week we’re looking at a vital process within the human body that doesn’t get much attention. This process is critical to your physical and mental health, and many functions in your body depend on it, ranging from your nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems to...

Stay Hydrated for Your Health

Sixty percent of your body weight is made up of water. To put it another way…if you weigh 150 pounds, then 90 pounds of that is “water weight”. That being the case, it should come as no surprise that health experts universally consider proper hydration crucial to good...

Keep Having Sex…It’s Good for You!

There’s a popular misconception about sex and getting older. Most people seem to think you can only have a satisfying sex life when you’re “young”…like before you’re 40. After that, sex and intimacy go out the proverbial window. Or so popular culture would have us...

Men, Women and the Three Hormones They Both Need

Men and women are different in a lot of ways. Books have been written about it…like that one about how men are from Mars and women are from Venus. But it’s actually simpler than that. The difference between men and women boils down to three hormones: Testosterone...
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