Learn how garlic can protect your health and promote longevity Do you tend to avoid garlic because it puts an odor on your breath? You could be robbing yourself of some significant health benefits, not to mention some delicious flavor. Here’s what you need to know....
Learn about the best antioxidants to use for anti-aging. You’ve probably heard about antioxidants as they pertain to good nutrition. But these nutrients are also an essential part of any anti-aging effort. Why? Because antioxidants combat oxidative stress and...
Learn how hormone replacement therapy can preserve lung size and lung function after menopause. According to new research released earlier this month, going through menopause decreases lung function roughly as much as smoking a pack of cigarettes every day for 10...
Learn why you need to take probiotics and prebiotics together to improve your gut health. As a growing number of physicians begin to recognize the clear connection between gut health and overall health, probiotics are gaining acceptance and popularity as a means for...
In excess, the stress hormone cortisol can be damaging to brain health. Whether you are feeling stressed about your job, your marriage, your kids, your body image, or even the world as a whole, stress can have a damaging effect on your body. When you experience...
The stress hormone cortisol can have a big impact on your weight. Are you struggling with your weight? Stressing out about your body and your inability to shed pounds can actually make matters worse. This is because stress can cause changes in your mood and body...
Trouble sleeping and waking on time? Discover options for resetting your body clock. Are you having trouble waking up in the morning, staying alert and active through the day, and falling asleep at a reasonable time at night? You may have a problem with your...
Learn which daily supplements you need to support your body’s defenses. When the immune system is working properly, we get protection from bacteria, viruses, and other invaders that can make us sick. If your immune system isn’t supported with healthy eating, regular...
Learn why you should incorporate more broccoli into your diet as you age. Most people know that a healthy diet should include plenty of green vegetables. But do you know why broccoli should be a cornerstone to your diet? Here are 5 benefits you’ll from more broccoli...
A high sugar diet can facilitate the development of chronic degenerative diseases associated with aging. If you’re like the typical American, you’re consuming a whopping 2.5 pounds of sugar every week. Add this to the sugars produced when you digest carbs like rice,...