Men and women need to be mindful of osteoporosis risks while dieting. If you’re overweight, you probably already realize you need to shed some pounds in order to achieve your healthy aging goals. After all, obesity is associated with health risks that include...
Inflammation—not just cholesterol—can predict your risk of heart disease. For many years, people were told that controlling cholesterol was the key to a healthy heart. We know now that cholesterol is really no guarantee when it comes to heart health. In fact, nearly...
Supplementing pregnenalone can fight memory loss in 3 ways. Have memory lapses become a regular occurrence? Perhaps you blank on a coworker’s name, or forget what you meant to pick up at the store. Little memory lapses like these are a common sign of hormone decline....
Learn why xenoestrogens pose health risks for men and women. Hormones play an essential role in just about every system of the body. In short, they tell different tissues and cells what to do. When these directions get garbled, serious health issues can result....
Tips to help you look & feel younger than your chronological age. Concerns about aging are often triggered by hitting calendar milestones, such as a 40th or 50th birthday. But calendar age is just a number. Biological age is what’s important. Biological age...
Learn why avocado is considered a superfood for heathy aging. Most people don’t give much thought to their diet when they’re young. Instead, they eat whatever they want and rely on their healthy, youthful metabolism to compensate for any excesses. But as we age, this...
Discover tips to help prevent hunger from derailing your weight loss plan. Is hunger getting in the way of your efforts to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight? While you may be able to quash those hunger pangs with willpower alone, it makes sense to consider why...
Learn why men and women are suffering from hormone imbalance at younger ages, and what to do about it. While Americans may be living longer than ever, it seems we are also getting “older” faster. Why? Because the hormone decline responsible for the onset of many...
Learn how each of the eight B Vitamins can help support better aging. The main role of the B Vitamins is to keep our bodies fueled and functioning optimally. However, each of the eight B Vitamins also has some specific better aging benefits. B1 (Thiamine): Sometimes...
Learn why a strong grip is a better indicator of heart health than blood pressure. Do you associate a firm handshake with a strong character? It turns out a strong grip can also say a lot about your heart health. In a recent study, researchers measured grip strength...