

Benefits of Injectable B-12

Learn how B-12 deficiency affects aging and how B-12 injections can help. B-12 is one of the most important vitamins for healthy aging. So it might surprise you to learn that an estimated 20 percent of adults over 50 have a borderline B-12 deficiency, according to the...

Will Eating Less Help You Live Longer?

What you need to know about calorie restriction and longevity. It’s true that the average American takes in more calories than they need. But will restricting your calorie intake really translate to the amazing benefits for health and longevity that some experts...

Will Skipping Breakfast Really Make You Fat?

How government “experts” got the science behind their nutritional recommendations wrong AGAIN For many years, Americans were told that if they skipped breakfast, they would probably end up carrying some extra pounds. This “fact” is even enshrined in the Dietary...

Best Supplements for Boosting Testosterone

Learn how supplements can help your body produce and use testosterone better. Are you worried about your testosterone levels? You should be. Every man will experience a decline in the production of testosterone and other vital hormones as he ages. For some men, this...

New Study Links Borderline Low T to Depression

Depression may have a physical cause, not a mental one, for men with lower testosterone levels. Healthy aging experts such as Renew Man™ have long known that depression can be linked to Low T, especially in older men. Why? Because testosterone (along with other vital...

What Testosterone Replacement Can and Can’t Do for Your Sex Life

Don’t let recent headlines discourage you from trying testosterone replacement for ED If you follow news about testosterone research, you may have seen all the recent headlines blaring “Testosterone can’t help men with ejaculatory dysfunction!” Before you assume this...

5 Ways to Support Healthy Adrenal Function and Why It Matters

Fight fatigue and low sex drive with these 5 ways to support your adrenal gland health. Do you need a jolt of caffeine to get you going in the morning or keep you from dozing off after lunch, but feel wide awake and energized after 6 pm? This is a tell-tale sign of...

Fighting Fatigue with Renew Man™

Renew Man™ Can Help You Improve Energy Levels By Restoring Balance To Your Hormones. Do you struggle to get out of bed every morning, no matter how early you go to sleep? Do you feel rundown, overwhelmed, or just generally at a loss for energy? This kind of fatigue...

Study Shows ADHD Drug Could Help Menopausal Women with Memory Loss

Women improved their memory and cognitive function after taking the drug. When a woman suffers from hot flashes and mood swings, people automatically think: Menopause. But there are many other symptoms that, while they may not be as stereotypically representative of...

6 Health Benefits of Sex

Conquer low sex drive and ED to enjoy numerous benefits for your overall health. Have you been struggling with low sex drive or ED? You owe it to yourself to get treatment. After all, a healthy sex life isn’t just about pleasure and bonding with your partner. Having...
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