

What is Kombucha?

Learn how to enjoy the health benefits of this fermented beverage at home. Kombucha is a fermented beverage whose origins are believed to date back 2,000 years to ancient China. Made by fermenting sweet black tea with yeast bacteria, this tart and refreshing drink is...

Can Working Out Help Your T Levels?

Healthy exercise is just one of the factors than can help improve testosterone levels. Low testosterone is a problem for millions of men. Testosterone is the most important male hormone, so naturally declining testosterone production can have a serious impact on a...

Treating Low Sex Drive as a Couple

Tips for helping women and their partners overcome erectile dysfunction or low sex drive. The experience of menopause can be hard on many couples’ sex lives. What you may not realize is that even as you are struggling with your own age-related hormonal symptoms, your...

Choosing an ED Treatment

Testosterone replacement therapy is the most natural way to restore vigor and drive to your sex life. Some 30 million aging men and their partners complain of ED or erectile dysfunction issues interfering with their intimacy. These issues can include the inability to...

Side Effects of Improper Testosterone Treatment

Serious side effects can occur when testosterone is treated without regard for its impact on other hormones. You may have heard some disturbing rumors about the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy. What you probably don’t realize is that not all...

4 Things No One Told You About Aging

Maintain a more youthful look by fighting skin and hair changes with hormone therapy. Age has the potential to bring many indignities, and not all of them are obvious. Here are 4 age-related cosmetic issues that many menopausal women experience but few will talk...

Hair Loss: Is It Genetic?

While a proclivity for baldness may be genetic, the expression of this trait may be controlled. For many years, men have clung to the idea that so long as their maternal grandfather had retained a full head of hair well into old age, they too would escape male pattern...

Why Menopausal Women Should Think Twice Before Drinking Diet Soda

Regular consumption of artificial sweeteners linked to significant health risks for older women. At first, it might seem reasonable to switch to diet soda after menopause. After all, many menopausal women struggle with sudden weight gain and take steps to limit their...

Testosterone and Sexual Function in Women

Testosterone therapy is often just one of three steps in restoring healthy sexual function to menopausal women. Although testosterone is commonly known as a male hormone, women also need some testosterone in their bodies to remain healthy. Specifically, testosterone...

Make Fermented Foods Part of Your Healthy Aging Plan

Friendly bacteria in fermented foods can help improve digestive health and metabolism at any age. If you’re like most men, building lean muscle while keeping fat at bay will become harder and harder as you age. In large part, this has to do with hormonal changes...
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