Category: Renew Man

Category: Renew Man

Can Men Get Hot Flashes?

Age-related hormonal decline is one possible cause of hot flashes and night sweats. Hot flashes aren’t just a women’s health issue. Andropause, the male version of the “change of life,” brings many symptoms that are very similar to those of menopause, including hot...

Don’t Let These 6 Common Changes Limit Your Sex Life

Research suggests men who have more sex may live longer. As men age, their bodies begin to produce less testosterone. Considering that this is the most important male hormone responsible for many aspects of masculinity and sexuality, it should come as no surprise that...

4 Ways to Protect Your Heart Health as You Age

Improve your lifestyle and balance your hormones for better heart health. Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death for American men? Fortunately, you can protect your heart and reduce your risk with help from Renew Man™. Here are the 4 main changes you...

Why Men Need Vitamin D for Healthy Aging

40 percent of men are Vitamin D deficient—don’t let yourself be counted among them. It’s not really a vitamin, but nevertheless the prohormone known as Vitamin D is an essential part of a healthy diet. Unfortunately, 40 percent of men don’t have healthy levels of...

Think You Can’t Control Your Metabolism? Think Again.

Tips for busting the most pervasive myth about the human metabolism. Have you ever heard someone dismiss their weight problems as impossible to solve by saying “I have a bad metabolism?” By this they mean that they believe their body doesn’t burn calories and store...

Want to Live Longer? Don’t Act Your Age.

Recent study finds individuals who feel younger than their actual age are more likely to live longer. When you were a kid, irritated adults were probably telling you to grow up and act your age all the time. Now that you’re the adult, you can feel free to throw this...
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