Three ways sleep deprivation affects weight gain. Do you get enough sleep? Are you happy with your weight? You might be surprised just how often a “no” to one of these questions goes with a “no” to the other. In fact, according to a growing body of research, there is...
Exhaustive new analysis finds no link between diets with saturated fat and poor heart health. In a new analysis published earlier this year in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers have turned conventional wisdom about saturated fats and hearth health...
Don’t cut fats to lose weight and stay healthy, choose the right fats. For many years, people have assumed that low fat or no fat diets were the ticket to maintaining a healthy weight, keeping cholesterol in check, and preventing health problems like heart disease....
A little stress is healthy; too much can be toxic. As men age, hormonal changes in their bodies can contribute to the development of some very stressful situations. For example, if hormonal decline has you feeling mentally fuzzy or struggling with memory problems, you...
Get safe & effective treatment for Low T by looking for these 5 factors. Low testosterone, or Low T, is a common problem that will be experienced by every man as he ages. Given that testosterone is the most important male hormone, it’s no surprise that declining...
Losing weight isn’t always as easy as eating less and exercising more you may need hormone replacement therapy. In your 20s, it seemed like you could eat whatever you wanted and never gain an ounce. Now, it seems that no matter what you do you just can’t seem to melt...