Category: Renew Woman

Category: Renew Woman

5 Reasons Sex After Menopause Is Good For You

Let these 5 healthy benefits of sex inspire you to keep sexual love alive well after menopause. Although women’s bodies go through many hormonal changes at menopause as they transition out of their childbearing years, this doesn’t mean that women suddenly stop having...

Busting the Top 5 Myths About Women’s Metabolism

Get the real facts behind 5 common myths about the role and function of metabolism in weight loss for menopausal women. Healthy metabolism has become somewhat of a buzz word in fitness circles these days. But do you really understand how your metabolism works and how...

Study Suggests New Tactic for Fighting Hot Flashes

Research suggests oxytocin treatment could help ease hot flashes. A recent study published in the journal Menopause has gotten a lot of attention for proposing a link between the “love hormone” oxytocin and reduced hot flashes. The study, which was conducted by...

Should You Try High Intensity Interval Training?

Learn about the 5 surprising health benefits of short bursts of high-intensity exercise. High intensity interval training, or HIIT, has been getting some media attention lately following new research on the decades-old training technique. Here are 5 health benefits...

Causes and Consequences of Sleep Difficulties During Menopause

Learn why it is important for menopausal women to take sleep difficulties seriously. Are you having trouble sleeping now that you are in or approaching menopause? This is a common experience for many women, and it can make an already distressing time even more...

What is Kombucha?

Learn how to enjoy the health benefits of this fermented beverage at home. Kombucha is a fermented beverage whose origins are believed to date back 2,000 years to ancient China. Made by fermenting sweet black tea with yeast bacteria, this tart and refreshing drink is...
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