Hormone replacement therapy can help combat the increased difficulties menopausal women face in controlling their diabetes. For women with type 2 diabetes, the hormonal imbalance that occurs during menopause will bring many challenges. It is extremely important to...
Blow struck at medical community’s claim that women only need hormone therapy for hot flashes for a brief period of time. According to conventional wisdom widely accepted within the medical community, hot flashes last just a few years. This has long been used as a...
Estrogen replacement therapy can relieve many menopause symptoms including headaches. Menopause symptoms can be quite a headache, metaphorically and literally. Now that research has confirmed that migraine headaches worsen just before and during menopause, many...
Learn what to embrace and what to avoid in a cooking oil. If you’re pairing healthy food choices with the wrong oils, you’re actually undermining your own efforts to eat right. Here are 3 key points to consider when choosing a healthy oil for cooking. Healthy Fats If...
Stress eating isn’t the only way that chronic stress can affect your waistline. Considering that the “fight or flight” stress response evolution gifted to our ancestors gives you a temporary burst of energy, you might assume that stress is good for your metabolism. In...
Recent scandal highlights the importance of buying supplements from a trusted source. Recently, four big box stores got busted for allegedly selling bogus botanical/herbal supplements. This incident has revived an ongoing debate in the media and in the scientific...