Lots of things are good by themselves but even better together, like: Peanut butter and jelly Ketchup and French fries Macaroni and cheese Batman and Robin (a.k.a. the “dynamic duo”) Speaking of dynamic duos, there’s a pair of essential nutrients that possess...
Have you ever had a friend or relative who seems to eat whatever they want, while never gaining weight? You may have thought that person was just lucky. Well, it’s a little more complicated than that… Metabolism is a complex collection of processes that govern how...
In recent years, three approaches to eating have gained a lot of attention: Keto Low Carb Mediterranean Each of these eating strategies comes with its own pros and cons. And where one approach may be great for some people, another may be more effective for a different...
Hormone production naturally declines as people age. And as hormone levels diminish, physiology shifts in undesirable ways that result in the unpleasant symptoms commonly associated with aging. These undesired physiologic changes are considered inevitable by most...
Age-related hormone decline has long been thought of as something that only women experience. However, men also suffer from hormone decline as they get older. While sometimes called male menopause, the accurate term for age-related hormone decline in men is...
Inflammation is your body’s natural response to injury or infection. Over the short term it speeds healing, like when you sprain your ankle and it swells up. The swelling is the result of increased blood flow needed to heal the damage. But when inflammation becomes...