Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT, provides a time-tested way for men and women to maintain their mental and physical health as they age. This is important because hormones make everything in our bodies function properly. Meanwhile, both sexes...
Scientists have been trying to explain why people get sick for centuries. Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine, thought people got sick due to an imbalance between three “humors”: blood, bile, and phlegm. Medieval doctors thought people got sick as a...
Sex is a basic human need. It’s right up there with eating and drinking. And it’s a human need that does not diminish with age. In fact, about one third of couples over age 50 report having sex at least once a week. Why is this a good thing? Sex doesn’t just feel...
What makes people happy and healthy? Back in 1938, researchers at Harvard sought to answer that exact question. They started by surveying health records from 724 people, and then they continued to survey those same health records every two years thereafter. Among...
Menopause causes significant changes in a woman’s body, with some of the biggest changes occurring within the brain. This is particularly the case where estrogen is concerned. Women’s bodies work best in an estrogen-rich environment. The brain is no exception. In...
Dietary oils provide your body with fats that are important for good health. They also provide energy for your body. However, not all oils have the same benefits…even among the oils considered to be good or healthy. And some oils that were previously thought to be...