Category: Renew Youth

Category: Renew Youth

This Is Your Brain on Menopause

Menopause causes significant changes in a woman’s body, with some of the biggest changes occurring within the brain. This is particularly the case where estrogen is concerned. Women’s bodies work best in an estrogen-rich environment. The brain is no exception. In...

Dietary Oils: the Good, the Bad, and the OK

Dietary oils provide your body with fats that are important for good health. They also provide energy for your body. However, not all oils have the same benefits…even among the oils considered to be good or healthy. And some oils that were previously thought to be...

How to Get Through a Cold or Flu…Naturally

You do what you can to stay healthy during the winter and early spring months. You get plenty of rest. Wash your hands constantly. Even take your vitamin C. Despite all that, you may come down with the flu. Or a cold. Either way, you’re looking at up to a week of...

Six Healthy Resolutions to Make for 2023

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions for this year? If you’re like most people, you did…but you may not make good on most or all of them. And that’s ok. Everyone likes to dream big, but following through can be hard. Especially once you get thrown from “holiday...

What You Should Know About Bone Loss

Are you 50 years of age or older? Then this article on bone loss is for you. Put simply, bone loss is what makes bones weak and brittle as people age. If left unchecked, even a minor stressor like a fall or coughing can cause a fracture. The statistics make the impact...

Seven Ways to Protect Yourself From the “Triple-demic” This Winter

As if the last two years weren’t bad enough… This winter we’re suffering through three (yes, three) pandemic viruses: COVID-19: new variants, as well as “covid-fatigue” from various safety measures, have kept COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations at concerning...
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