Category: Renew Youth

Category: Renew Youth

Fight Aging with These Superfoods

Getting older is inevitable. The calendar marches no matter what. Aging, however, is a different matter entirely. Aging is a medical condition brought on by hormone decline, as well as wear and tear from those passing years. That being the case, hormone therapy and...

What Women Need to Know About Testosterone

When people think of hormone therapy for women, estrogen and progesterone are the hormones that typically come to mind. But there’s more to hormone therapy for women than estrogen and progesterone. There are other hormones that can and should be balanced to optimal...

Get Healthy…One Cup at a Time

Remember when coffee was thought to be bad for you? Well, not anymore. Nutritionists and medical researchers alike now include coffee among other superfoods, like broccoli and blueberries, thanks to its many health benefits. More about those benefits in a minute. But...

Get Out of Your Chair…for Your Health’s Sake

How much time do you spend sitting each day? You might be surprised if you stop to really consider all those minutes and hours. Really think about it. Maybe you commute to and from work. Maybe you sit at a desk most of the day. In the evening you may watch TV or spend...

Are You Amino Acid Deficient?

Amino acids are essential building blocks for important compounds like proteins, neurotransmitters, and hormones. Your body uses amino acids to: Heal and repair damaged tissue Create muscle Digest food for energy Maintain healthy connective tissue And much more In...

Insulin Resistance: A Silent Enemy

As you age, you may notice it gets harder to lose weight. You may also notice that you have less energy than you used to. Age-related imbalances in hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and thyroid are a common underlying reason for these changes. But there’s another...
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