Category: Renew Youth

Category: Renew Youth

Thinking About Going Vegetarian? Here’s What You Should Know

Plant-based diets aren’t anything new. But…they are gaining in popularity. Why? Generally, this trend stems from the idea that plant-based diets are healthier and more environmentally friendly than animal-based diets. But is this really true? And what do you...

Chronic Inflammation: Your Body’s Hidden Enemy

If you’re injured or sick, your immune system will go into action to repair the damage created by that injury or illness. One of your immune system’s primary weapons? Inflammation. Inflammation occurs when your body increases blood flow to damaged tissue. This extra...

Don’t Age Gracefully…Age Awesomely!

You know the phrase…“grow old gracefully”. But is growing old gracefully something you should do? Generally, when someone says that you should grow old gracefully, what they really mean is that you should simply accept the limitations that come with getting...

Protect Your Skin

Summer is here. And for many of us that means more time out in the sun. Have you thought about what that means for your skin? Like many people, you may take your skin for granted. Except for cuts, bruises, and the occasional sunburn, it’s just…there. But your...

Don’t Let Sexual Dysfunction Spoil Your Fun

Sex should be satisfying and fun. At any age. People are living longer, healthier lives today than they did a century ago, or even half a century ago. And a continued interest in satisfying sex is an important part of that longer, healthier life. Consider the...

Tired All the Time? This Might be Why

Does this sound like you? No matter how long you sleep, you don’t feel rested when you wake up. You go through the day feeling tired and low on energy. Even an afternoon nap doesn’t perk you up. You’re not alone. Like many Americans, you’re suffering from fatigue. A...
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