Category: Renew Youth

Category: Renew Youth

Seven Ways to Make It a Happy Holiday (in the Bedroom)

The holiday rush doesn’t always leave much room for romance. That said, here are some steps to help you and your special someone find some quality time together. Don’t Burn the Candle at Both Ends Shopping, wrapping, parties…at this time of year it can be easy to get...

BHRT…the Gift That Keeps on Giving

The holiday season is here. And no matter what your family’s traditions are, they probably include gifts. Think of all the presents you’ve ever received…or given. Obviously, some were better than others. But the best presents weren’t just useful for a day or even a...

Know Your Numbers to Know Your Health

If you’re like most people, you probably see your primary care physician once every year or two for a check-up. As part of that check-up, your PCP likely checks your weight and your blood pressure, and then orders some routine lab tests. Blood tests are common. A few...

What Causes Joint Pain…and What You Can Do About It

One of the unavoidable features of getting older is that stuff hurts. Some days it may seem like everything hurts…from your ankles and knees to your hips and on up to your back, shoulders, and neck. Maybe throw in your elbows, wrists, fingers, and toes for good...

Women and Sexual Dysfunction

Today the media abounds with products that claim to cure sexual dysfunction. Well…for men anyway. Let’s be honest. Women get the short end of the stick when it comes to solving sexual problems. But women also suffer from issues that diminish their desire for sex, as...

Six Steps to a Healthy Holiday Season

By the time you read this, it may be Thanksgiving already. Which means we’ve hit the beginning of the holiday season. That marathon sprint that begins with Thanksgiving and ends with New Year’s Day. Many people dread this time of year more than they look forward to...
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