Category: Renew Youth

Category: Renew Youth

Think “B” for Better Aging

Men and women typically reach their physical peak in their late 20s to early 30s. After that, the human body begins to break down faster than it repairs itself. This is particularly problematic given that today people can reasonably expect to live into their 80s and...

Nine Chemicals That Are Good For Your Brain (and One That’s Bad)

Your brain is incredible. Not only does it keep your lungs breathing and your heart beating…it helps you to recall everything from where you left your car keys to distant memories from childhood. But with age, your brain can lose its sharpness. It may be harder to...

Hormones, Supplements, and Dementia

We know…dementia is hard to talk about. Most people would prefer not to even think about it. Yet…it’s an important discussion to have. As people over the age of 65 become a larger portion of the population, the incidence of Alzheimer’s and other...

NAD+: Is it the New Fountain of Youth?

Ponce de Leon, the Spanish explorer, spent his life looking for the “fountain of youth”. For decades, medical research has been doing the same thing…in a more rigorous and scientific way, of course. Thanks to that research, we now understand a lot more about what...

Sex and Aging: What You Need to Know

Things change with age…we all know this. Unfortunately, changes affecting sex are no exception. In particular, people can experience changes that affect sexual arousal and performance, including: Lower sex drive Difficulty reaching orgasm Erectile dysfunction in...

What Are the Health Benefits of BHRT?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can go a long way toward helping you to look and feel your best. But it doesn’t end there. Your mental and physical health also improve. Read on to find out how BHRT can have a positive impact on your health overall....
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