One of the greatest risks to the average American’s health and wellbeing is cardiovascular disease. This is particularly true as people age. Consider these facts: Roughly 120 million Americans have been diagnosed with some form of cardiovascular disease (which is more...
Eating habits can significantly impact how a person ages. The right foods can fuel vitality, while the wrong ones can actually speed up the aging process. With an increasing number of people setting their sights on healthy aging, this means an increasing number of...
Your joints are involved in literally every move your body makes. As a result, they often take a beating, with wear and tear that can add up over time. But fear not. Much can be done to keep your joints healthy as you age. Read on to learn more about preserving your...
Many things change as people age. Your sex life should not be one of them. Getting older usually means more wisdom, more experience, and a degree of self-awareness that can greatly enhance your life…including your sex life. But it can also bring with it some...
The human body goes through countless changes during the aging process. Many of these changes are obvious…while others are less apparent. One change that often goes unnoticed is bone loss. While it may be easy to take your bones for granted, skeletal health is...
For as long as humans have recorded history, they have searched for a solution to the problem of aging. Are we getting any closer? Aging Defined Until recently, people have mostly looked upon aging as being a fact of life that could not be avoided. The human body...