Category: Renew Youth

Category: Renew Youth

Better Together: Vitamin D and Magnesium

Many things in life are better when combined with something else. Within the world of food, there’s wine and cheese. Tea with honey. And fruit with chocolate (to name a few). In the world of nutrition…vitamin D and magnesium come to mind. It turns out these two...

Choosing Supplements Wisely

Unfortunately, our food supply in the United States is rife with issues these days. Issues that are beyond the scope of this particular article. Suffice it to say that in our modern times…most people will struggle to meet their nutritional needs from food alone....

Boost Your Libido with 10 Sexy Superfoods

For centuries, cultures around the world have touted various libido boosters found in nature. Over time, the effectiveness of these libido enhancers has mostly been debunked by research. However, there are a handful that actually contain nutrients that can support sex...

8 Brain Hacks for Maintaining Mental Acuity

Cognitive decline is an unfortunate reality for many people as they age, with symptoms that can manifest in myriad ways: Short term memory can suffer, making it difficult to recall words, names, and events. There can be issues with concentration, focus, and attention...

Unlock the Benefits of BHRT

Every person’s natural hormone production will decline with age. No one escapes this hard reality. The result can be unpleasant symptoms, as well as a reduction in good health and vitality. Fortunately, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can reduce (and...

Unlocking the Benefits of Mighty B12

In a sea of over-the-counter dietary supplements, vitamin B12 stands out as being essential for good health and vitality. The following is a deep dive into the world of B12. We explore how it works, how to get more of it, and how it benefits your health. What Does B12...
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