
Insomnia in Women

Most perimenopausal and menopausal women will give just about anything for a good night of sleep. Quality slumber can be a rare commodity during this time in life.

Causes of Insomnia

Night Sweats

Night sweats are famous for keeping women up at night. These nighttime hot flashes are caused by deficiencies in estrogen and/or progesterone.


Anxiety and depression are also notorious for causing insomnia. Imbalances in estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid can cause both.


Serotonin helps to regulate sleep, but women need estrogen to make it. So…low estrogen equals low serotonin, and low serotonin equals insomnia.

Low Progesterone

Progesterone plays an important role in regulating sleep patterns in women. Low progesterone in and of itself will keep most women awake at night.

Low Growth Hormone (GH)

GH production surges during sleep. If sleep is disrupted, GH production will also be disrupted. Meanwhile, low GH levels can aggravate insomnia.

Adrenal Dysfunction

When the adrenal glands produce too much or not enough cortisol due to stress, insomnia can be just one of the many negative consequences.

Treatment for Insomnia

The relationship between hormones and sleep is tightly woven. Our physicians can restore this delicate balance by restoring hormones to optimal levels. Have you forgotten what a good night’s sleep feels like? Let us remind you.

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