

Find Out Why Renew Youth Is Different 

Hormone replacement is a powerful weapon against the symptoms of aging. It can go a long way toward helping men and women to feel their best, while at the same time helping them to be their healthiest.

However…not all providers of hormone therapy are created equal. Many claim to offer treatment that is comprehensive, safe, and effective; but too often the reality is something quite different.

Unfortunately, shortcuts taken by providers who lack sufficient expertise or who intentionally cut corners to minimize costs have the potential to harm your health and compromise the success of your treatment plan. Many of these providers operate as they do because they assume that consumers are largely uninformed about what constitutes quality treatment.

Renew Youth, on the other hand, is fundamentally different.

We want you to be informed.

We welcome questions about what we do and how we do it.

We talk to you, and we get to know you.

We answer your questions clearly and thoroughly.

We’re confident that as you get to know us, you will come to see us as your partner in better aging.

Here are just a few of the things that make us different:

25+ Years of Experience 

Most HRT providers have been around for a relatively short period of time (even if they claim something to the contrary).

Meanwhile, prescribing hormone therapy correctly is more a more nuanced process than what most people (including doctors) realize. Expertise matters, and tailoring treatment to each person’s unique needs is essential for safety and for optimal results.

With that said, no one has provided hormone therapy on a national level for longer than Renew Youth. Our many happy clients know from experience that we deliver safe and effective treatment options that are based upon best practice.

No Pressure Approach 

We inform. You choose. That’s our motto.

It’s our job to make recommendations based upon your lab levels, your symptoms, your health history, your lifestyle goals, and everything else we know about you. And it’s also our job to make sure your questions are answered…clearly and thoroughly. From there, you are empowered to make informed decisions about what you want your treatment regimen to include.

It doesn’t end there. Your dialogue with us about your treatment regimen will be ongoing. As your physiology shifts and your goals change, your treatment regimen will likewise be adjusted to suit your needs and your desires.

No one from Renew Youth will pressure you into including something within your regimen that you don’t want…unless it impacts your safety in some way.

We have many clients whose treatment plans are on the minimalist/foundational side of hormone therapy—either because that’s all they need or that’s all they want—and then we have many other clients who prefer a more comprehensive approach.

We’re here to support you in putting together a plan that best suits your needs.

Covering the Necessary Bases

Many hormone therapy providers offer just estrogen for women, or just testosterone for men. Both approaches to hormone therapy are unsafe and ineffective. When women take estrogen it’s important that it be balanced with properly dosed progesterone. For men, it’s essential that their estrogen level be managed in conjunction with replacing testosterone.

Again, expertise matters. And cutting corners can be unsafe…not to mention ineffective with regard to symptom relief. At Renew Youth we rely upon our many years of experience, while simultaneously staying on top of best practice, to ensure your treatment regimen contributes to your good health (and not the other way around).

Individualized Treatment

One size does not fit all when it comes to hormone therapy…even though many providers will take a one-size-fits-all approach.

At Renew Youth, what’s important to us is what’s optimal…for you. And we know that what’s optimal will be different from one person to the next. What’s safe and effective for you is not necessarily what will be safe and effective for someone else.

Treatment must be tailored to each person’s unique needs.

Safe Methods of Delivery

In many cases there are multiple methods of delivery available for any particular hormone. That does not, however, mean every available method of delivery is safe and effective. In fact, there are some methods of delivery that are associated with adverse outcomes.

In short, method of delivery matters. At Renew Youth, we only use methods of delivery that are safe and that follow best practice.

Only Bioidentical Hormones

If you’re confused about the difference between synthetic hormones and bioidentical hormones…don’t worry. You are not alone.

Allow us to clear things up a bit: while bioidentical hormones are molecularly identical to the hormones naturally produced by your body, synthetic hormones are not. Unfortunately, these slight molecular differences mean that synthetic hormones won’t function in your body the same way your naturally produced hormones do.

You have hormone receptors all over your body. Think of these receptors as if they’re a lock and think of hormone molecule as if they’re a key. Synthetic hormone molecules won’t fit perfectly into those receptors, which will have negative consequences with regard to how they work in your body…consequences like increased breast cancer risk in women and an increase in risk for vascular issues.

At Renew Youth, we only use bioidentical hormones. And as already mentioned, there is absolutely no difference between bioidentical hormones and the hormones that your body produces naturally.

In-Home Self-Administered Treatment 

Is your current provider requiring you to come to an office or clinic to receive treatment? This requirement is inconvenient, unnecessary, and can put treatment out of reach for far too many people.

All Renew Youth clients safely and effectively self-administer their hormone therapy in the privacy and comfort of their homes. If your regimen includes injections, we will make sure you know how to do them properly, easily, and with confidence.

Ongoing Monitoring 

Your body is not static. If there’s one thing we know for certain, it’s that your physiology will shift over time.

What this means relative to hormone therapy is that the perfect dosing today is likely to be something different in the future. As a result, when hormone therapy is done correctly and with proper oversight, your hormones will be adjusted as needed to accommodate these changes.

Having said that…these adjustments should not be made randomly or in a vacuum. Adjustments to dosing are only meaningful and effective when done in conjunction with regular lab work and an assessment of how you’re feeling.

Some hormone therapy providers don’t do any lab work at all prior to prescribing hormone therapy to their patients. Others will only order lab testing annually, with no oversight during the months in between. This is not only unsafe, but it can actually be illegal when controlled substances, such as testosterone, are prescribed.

At Renew Youth, our clients are required to lab test at least two times per year. In conjunction with reviewing your new levels every 6 months, we’ll also check in with you on how you’re feeling. If you’re levels aren’t optimal, or if you aren’t feeling your best, we’ll adjust your regimen accordingly. And importantly, your care will be overseen by one of our board-certified physicians.

Your Renew Youth Team is here to protect your health, while making sure you get the very most out of your treatment.

Want to Learn More?

If you have questions about hormone therapy or about what we have to offer, please feel free to reach out to us. Give us a chance to show you what we know, and what it’s like to interact with us. Call us at (800) 859-7511 or use our easy contact form.

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