Now is the Time to Learn about Adrenal Fatigue Treatment in Austin TX
Our lives are plagued by stress in modern times. This isn’t good news for your health. In fact, there aren’t many things as dangerous to your health as high levels of stress. These negative effects can be compounded by the aging process. Fortunately, Renew Youth may assist with Adrenal Fatigue Treatment in Austin TX.
Learn the Basics of Adrenal Fatigue Treatment in Austin TX
Stress causes your adrenal glands to produce too much of a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol overproduction can harm human tissues, resulting in adrenal fatigue. When you have adrenal fatigue, your body is unable to create the lesser levels of cortisol required for normal function.
Some healthcare practitioners will replace cortisol when deficient due to adrenal fatigue. This adrenal fatigue treatment in Austin TX, in our experience, can cause more damage than benefit. The adrenals work hard to adjust when other hormones are out of balance.
There are Several Methods of Adrenal Fatigue Treatment in Austin TX
Cortisol is not a hormone that we feel should be substituted. So, what is the solution? Adrenal fatigue treatment in Austin TX addresses the issue and helps the adrenals return to normal function.
The first step is to get a baseline by testing your cortisol levels. This is done by taking four saliva samples throughout the day. The results of these tests tell us how much cortisol you produce. Is it too high, too low, or in the middle? Our treatment protocol is identical whether the levels are high or low.
Your other hormones will be tested, and our doctors will provide treatment as necessary if you have other hormone imbalances. Remember that your adrenals work overtime to compensate for any imbalance within the endocrine system, so balancing hormones is essential to get your adrenal glands the rest they need. Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, ferritin, and other important minerals are also tested in the lab.
Your Adrenal Fatigue Treatment in Austin TX Will Be Based on the Test Results
We recommend supplements to rejuvenate your adrenal glands. Sometimes, adrenal fatigue treatment in Austin TX might include injectables. Our doctors may recommend a detoxification program.
Lifestyle Management is Important Too
Anyone receiving adrenal fatigue treatment in Austin TX has to get plenty of rest. Our doctors will evaluate how much sleep you get and the quality of that sleep. Our physicians will adopt the essential techniques to address your sleep disorders if we discover you have them.
Stress must also be managed, which our doctors will help you do. You will also be encouraged to maintain a healthy diet, and to incorporate sufficient levels of physical activity into your day-to-day life.
Low Levels of Cortisol May Be Just as Dangerous as High Levels
A person with too much stress can have too much or too little cortisol. We know this is a stressful situation, but now you know there is a solution. These issues you are dealing with are not unusual and there are solutions. All it takes is adrenal fatigue treatment in Austin TX from Renew Youth.