Correct male hormone imbalance in Beverly Hills CA quickly and safely with Renew Youth™
Many men are reluctant to consider the possibility that age-related hormone decline is responsible for their low sex drive, poor energy levels, and fitness issues because they don’t consider themselves “old.” However, it’s important to understand that age-related male hormone imbalance in Beverly Hills CA is striking men at ever-younger ages, perhaps due to environmental toxins prematurely aging the pituitary. Now, 10 percent of men have a hormone imbalance by age 30 and 100 percent of men have this problem by age 50. Fortunately for you, expert help is at hand from the healthy aging specialists at Renew Youth™.
Symptoms of Male Hormone Imbalance
There are hundreds of hormones in the body, and when they get out of whack they can cause:
- Fatigue
- Memory loss
- Low sex drive
- Weight gain
- Depression
- Irritability
- Hair loss
- Insomnia
- Prostate problems
- Osteoporosis
Unfortunately, most primary care physicians are not prepared to help you with these symptoms in any truly effective way. Sure, they could prescribe a sleep aid or an anti-depressant, but this would obviously not treat all your problems. Plus, it would probably cause undesirable side effects. Renew Youth™ is different. We can address all your symptoms safely and effectively simply by correcting your male hormone imbalance in Beverly Hills CA.
Understanding Your Treatment Options
At Renew Youth™, we provide a variety of treatment options for addressing male hormone imbalance in Beverly Hills CA:
Hormone Replacement Therapy: All men will need testosterone replacement as part of their treatment. Based on the results of your lab tests, we may also take measures to adjust levels of other vital hormones like estrogen, DHEA, thyroid, and cortisol.
Growth Hormone Stimulation: If you are suffering from fatigue, insomnia, and weight gain, low growth hormone could be partially to blame. We have three different options for stimulating your pituitary to produce more growth hormone so you can beat these symptoms.
Adrenal Fatigue Therapy: If your adrenal glands have been worn out due to overexposure to the stress hormone cortisol, this must be considered when treating your male hormone imbalance in Beverly Hills CA. We can help you rejuvenate them with a combination of treatments including nutritional supplements, detoxification, and strategies for better sleep.
Hair Loss Therapy: We will help you discover the underlying cause of your hair loss–whether that be a nutritional deficiency or a hormonal imbalance–and provide the appropriate treatment.
Sexual Dysfunction Therapy: Often, boosting testosterone is enough to give men their natural sex drive and vigor back. But if you need extra help, we have additional treatments to try.
All of our treatments are based on ongoing testing of your vital hormones to ensure the dosages remain safe and effective.
Conquer Male Hormone Imbalance in Beverly Hills CA with Renew Youth™
It’s time to say goodbye to the overweight, unhappy stranger in the mirror. No more feeling depressed and disinterested. Contact Renew Youth or fill out our online form to connect with an experienced physician in your area. Stick with our treatment and say goodbye and good riddance to male hormone imbalance in Beverly Hills CA.