Renew Youth in Columbia MD Gives You the Tools and Treatments You Need for Aging Better And Living Better
Aging has a way of creeping up on you, until suddenly you look and feel “old” and worry you can never recapture what you’ve lost. But the reality is, changes like wrinkled skin, hair loss, fatigue, memory problems, weight gain, and other menopause and andropause symptoms have clear biological causes. This means they can be treated and improved–with the right partner.
When it comes to menopause or andropause treatment, you deserve an expert like Renew Youth in Columbia MD. We’ve been focused on providing the very best quality products and treatment options since 1999, and you can rely on our expertise to help you age better and live better.
Let Renew Youth in Columbia MD Make Aging Better Effortless
Stop struggling to find the information and resources you need to accomplish your better aging goals, and simply turn to Renew Youth in Columbia MD. Our treatment program is designed to make aging better effortless. Here’s what to expect from Renew Youth:
1. Phone Consultation: Starting a menopause or andropause treatment program is a big step, and we want you to be totally informed before you take it. Give us a call and we’ll be happy to answer all your questions and help you make an informed decision regarding your anti-aging treatments.
2. Lab Work + Doctor Visit: Age-related hormone change is the driving force behind most–if not all–signs and symptoms of aging. We use detailed lab tests to determine exactly how high or low you are on various vital hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, thyroid, and cortisol. We’ll go over your lab results together and connect you with a local Renew Youth doctor for further evaluation.
3. Personalized Treatment Program: Whether you’re ready for comprehensive hormone therapy or are more interested in treatments to tackle specific andropause or menopause symptoms, Renew Youth in Columbia MD can help. We’ll design a custom program just for you, including treatments like:
- Hormone replacement therapy for men
- Hormone replacement therapy for women
- Growth hormone therapy
- Adrenal fatigue therapy
- Nutritional supplements
- Injectable nutrients
- Sexual dysfunction treatments
- Anti-aging skin serums
4. At-Home Treatments: At Renew Youth in Columbia MD, we believe you should be focused on enjoying life, not on fitting countless doctor visits into your schedule. All of our treatments can be self-administered in the comfort and privacy of your own home. You will only have to visit the doctor once or twice a year to get your hormone levels retested and make sure your dosages are still correct.
See Results Fast–with No Side Effects
Because our treatments deliver fast results, they keep you inspired to continue making positive changes in your life that will support better aging. Most clients report feeling immediate improvement in certain menopause and andropause symptoms, with all symptoms showing improvement after 6 weeks of treatment. To continue feeling great, all you have to do is continue treatment. You won’t have to worry about side effects detracting from your enjoyment of the new and improved you–we take your health and safety very seriously. We take every possible precaution to protect you from side effects and adverse health risks.
Call Now for a Free Consultation
Remember, if you have questions, we have answers. All you have to do is Call us at 800-859-7511 for a free consultation and all the information you need about treatment with Renew Youth in Columbia MD. There’s never any pressure to purchase products or commit to treatments you’re not ready for. Just honest information from a friendly professional.