Looking for an alternative to Low T center in Dallas TX? Try Renew Youth’s individualized treatments.
The more men understand that low testosterone is to blame for their andropause symptoms, the more testosterone-boosting treatment options get offered. The trouble is, many of these alleged testosterone-boosting diets, testosterone supplements, and Low T center treatments are not really meeting men’s needs. They may be ineffective or even outright dangerous.
Fortunately, we can offer men an alternative to Low T center in Dallas TX. Here are a few of the key differences in our approach to treatment.
We Do More than Replace Testosterone.
Testosterone is just one of the important hormones that men need to feel their best. By treating more than just testosterone to bring all your hormones into a healthy balance, Renew Youth is able to provide a more effective result than your average Low T center. We even offer nutritional guidance and virtual personal trainer services to help make your hormone replacement therapy even more effective.
We Use Bioidentical Hormones.
For safe testosterone replacement therapy, it is essential to choose the correct type of hormone and administration method. Bioidentical hormones, which are identical to the hormones your body makes itself, are safe, while synthetic hormones have been linked to serious risks. Testosterone patches and pills should be avoided because they release hormone unevenly, while injections deliver a safe and steady supply of hormone. At Renew Youth, we have studied these matters carefully for over 10 years, and we make sure that any man using us as an alternative to Low T center in Dallas TX receives bioidentical hormones by injection–the safest and most natural method.
We Offer Individualized Treatment.
Some Low T centers work like factories, churning out the same prescription over and over for every man, with no regard for his unique needs. Using us as an alternative to Low T center in Dallas TX, you can get the individualized treatment you need to raise your testosterone to a healthy level and beat your unique andropause symptoms. Once treatment has begun, we conduct routine testing at intervals, adjusting your dosages as needed to continue to achieve a healthy balance. For men who need extra help with certain symptoms like ED, we have other options to complement or supplement hormone replacement.
We Don’t Create Side Effects.
Unfortunately, simply taking a testosterone supplement–as is recommended by many Low T centers–can actually be dangerous for your health. At Renew Youth, we have designed our treatment with all kinds of safeguards to protect against side effects. For instance, testosterone can get converted into estrogen in overweight men. This can cause many ill effects, but at Renew Youth we always check estrogen levels and prescribe estrogen blockers as needed to protect men against this possibility.
You Can Self-Administer Your Treatment.
Most Low T centers insist on administering treatment in their office. We provide an excellent alternative to Low T center in Dallas TX in this respect because we require just a few in-person visits per year for testing. Your actual treatments can be self-administered in the privacy of your own home.
Make Us Your Alternative to Low T Center in Dallas TX
If you are interested in learning more about Renew Youth’s safe and effective hormone replacement protocols, please contact us at 800-859-7511 today. We’ll be happy to answer any questions and/or pair you with a board-certified physician in your area who can apply our proven, science-backed methods to your case.