Get customized HRT for men in Jacksonville FL to relieve your unique andropause symptoms.
Are you looking for a proven effective solution to andropause symptoms? HRT, or hormone replacement therapy, is scientifically proven to help you fight problems like low sex drive, hair loss, depression, and weight gain. Here’s an example. One study found that after 5 years of testosterone therapy, men lost an average of 3.5 inches off their waistlines even without changing their lifestyle. At Renew Youth, our HRT for men in Jacksonville FL can help you achieve similar–and hopefully even better–results. We’ll help you improve your diet and activity level to best support our HRT treatments targeting the following vital hormones:
- Testosterone
- Estrogen
- Thyroid
- Cortisol
We help you achieve and maintain balance by conducting ongoing testing of your hormone levels. While your treatment may change as time passes, the results won’t–you can expect to feel like a renewed version of yourself as long as you continue the treatment.
Why Replacing Testosterone Isn’t Enough
Most people don’t understand andropause, and if they do they think it can be cured simply by boosting testosterone. However, while it is true that testosterone must be addressed in HRT for men in Jacksonville FL, it is not the exclusive focus of our treatment. Here’s why.
- Other hormones besides testosterone can cause or contribute to certain andropause symptoms. To feel your best, you must receive treatment for all the underlying causes of your symptoms.
- Simply replacing testosterone without considering the impact on other hormones can put your health at risk. For example, some unsafe treatment programs prescribe so much testosterone that you end up converting some of it to estrogen, which can increase your risk of prostate cancer. Others put all patients on estrogen blockers even if they don’t need them, which is also unhealthy.
At Renew Youth, we provide customized HRT for men in Jacksonville FL that keeps all your vital hormones at safe and healthy levels so you can look and feel better without risk to your overall health.
Get Started with HRT for Men in Jacksonville FL Now
Whether your symptoms have just started bothering you or have been cramping your style for years, Renew Youth can help you get back to your youthful self. Our HRT for men in Jacksonville FL can help men from age 18 to 80 and beyond bring their hormones into a healthy balance. It’s easy to get started–just contact us today and we will connect you with a board-certified Renew Youth physician in your local area.