Feel Like Yourself Again

Our inclusive plans provide:

  • Comprehensive lab testing every 6 months
  • Oversight from your Renew Youth doctor
  • Medications & supplies shipped to your home
  • Health Consultation team dedicated to your success

Starting from $218

Phone Consultation

Free consultations and absolutely no obligation to purchase anything


Renew Youth has been a leader in the anti-aging industry since 1999

At-Home Treatments

Complete your lab testing at a time and location convenient to you


All medication is self-administered on your time, at your place


We are a HIPAA-compliant medical company with USA licensed physicians that only prescribe real medications.

optimal results

Our membership fee gives you unlimited access to your own dedicated team of hormone experts to ensure you see optimal results.



Feel like yourself again with personalized Low T therapy in Manlius NY

Have you found yourself slowing down at work, at home, and especially in the bedroom? Your lack of energy, drive, and desire could be linked to low testosterone. Have you tried to boost your testosterone yourself with over the counter supplements and lifestyle changes, but seen little or no results? You need to get serious about your health and start Low T therapy in Manlius NY from a real doctor like Renew Youth™.

Benefits of Low T Therapy in Manlius NY

Renew Youth’s™ Low T therapy in Manlius NY uses bioidentical hormones and quality treatment protocols to deliver the following benefits:

  • More energy
  • Better mood
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Reinvigorated sex drive & performance
  • Improved mental quickness & memory
  • Stronger bones
  • Better heart & prostate health
  • Improved ability to lose weight and build lean muscle

Our chosen method for delivery of Low T therapy in Manlius NY is self-administered injection. When testosterone is injected into muscle tissue, it will pool there and get released slowly into the bloodstream over time. This mimics the slow and steady supply of testosterone your body had when you were younger.

We Offer Personalized Treatment Solutions

Unfortunately, some testosterone treatment providers are content to give every man the same dose of testosterone. This means some men may not get enough testosterone, while others may get too much. Either way, you will not get the right hormone balance needed to conquer your specific symptoms. At Renew Youth™, our Low T therapy in Manlius NY is administered in a scientific manner so as to provide safe dosages tailor-made for each man. We test each man before and during treatment to establish baseline hormone levels and measure our progress.

We Balance All Relevant Hormones

Just because testosterone is the culprit behind most of your andropause symptoms doesn’t mean it is acting alone. Other hormones act as accomplices, complicating and worsening your symptoms. At Renew Youth™, our Low T therapy in Manlius NY accounts for all relevant hormones such as estrogen, thyroid, DHEA, and cortisol, in addition to testosterone. We make sure all of these hormones are present in healthy amounts so they can work together to help you feel your best, without presenting adverse health risks.

Find Your Renew Youth™ Doctor Now

Thanks to Renew Youth™, a younger, healthier, happier you is just a phone call away. We’ll be happy to explain our Low T therapy in Manlius NY in more detail and pair you with an expert doctor in your area to guide you through the Renew Youth™ protocol.

Call Us Today   800-859-7511