Feel Like Yourself Again

Our inclusive plans provide:

  • Comprehensive lab testing every 6 months
  • Oversight from your Renew Youth doctor
  • Medications & supplies shipped to your home
  • Health Consultation team dedicated to your success

Starting from $218

Phone Consultation

Free consultations and absolutely no obligation to purchase anything


Renew Youth has been a leader in the anti-aging industry since 1999

At-Home Treatments

Complete your lab testing at a time and location convenient to you


All medication is self-administered on your time, at your place


We are a HIPAA-compliant medical company with USA licensed physicians that only prescribe real medications.

optimal results

Our membership fee gives you unlimited access to your own dedicated team of hormone experts to ensure you see optimal results.



Partner with Renew Man in Pawnee OK to feel like your spirited, youthful self again.

By the time a man hits age 40, there’s a 50-50 chance that symptoms of low testosterone are affecting his career, love life, and happiness. Yet only about 8 percent of American men are currently getting professional treatment for hormone deficiency. Why? Some men might be embarrassed to talk about their symptoms, while others may just assume that gaining weight, slowing down, and losing interest in sex are a natural part of aging. With help from Renew Youth in Pawnee OK, men don’t have to just accept their symptoms. We can provide safe and effective treatment to help you feel like yourself again.

What is Renew Youth?

Renew Youth is a leading expert in the field of healthy aging for men, including bioidentical hormone therapy. We have spent many years studying the science of male aging and we have collected the best, most current and credible information for the benefit of our clients. By contacting Renew Man in Pawnee OK, you can gain the benefit of our experience and ensure that your andropause treatment is administered safely and effectively in accordance with our high standards.

How Do I Know Renew Man in Pawnee OK is Safe & Effective?

It is easy for a treatment to claim it is safe and effective, but does the science back up this claim? At Renew Youth in Pawnee OK, we have an excellent track record of helping men just like you. Our treatment protocol can honestly be called safe and effective because we take the following measures:

  • We never treat testosterone deficiency by itself but also adjust other vital hormone levels as needed. This not only helps you feel better but prevents dangerous issues such as excessive estrogen.
  • We don’t prescribe one-size-fits-all doses of testosterone or any other hormone. Instead, we prescribe the exact amount you need to raise your levels to a healthy number. We conduct regular testing to ensure your dosages are always accurate.
  • We never use unsafe patches or pills but instead provide twice-weekly testosterone injections for you to use at home. Injections deliver the testosterone slowly and naturally to your body.
  • We never use synthetic hormones, which have been linked to negative outcomes. Instead, we use bioidentical hormones that are chemically indistinguishable from your own hormones.

Ready to See What Renew Youth Can Do for You?

Renew Man in Pawnee OK can be started at any age, and you can feel improvements in your mental sharpness, sex drive, and health in just 4 to 6 weeks. The effects will last as long as you continue treatment. All it takes is a phone call to get started!

Call Us Today   800-859-7511