Renew Youth™ uses bioidentical hormones in Sacramento CA for safe menopause treatment.
Are you suffering from hot flashes, mood swings, hair & skin changes, and other menopause symptoms? These symptoms can all be traced to hormonal decline. Fortunately, bioidentical hormones in Sacramento CA can replace the natural hormones your body has lost. At Renew Youth™, we offer many different treatment options using bioidentical hormones to help you relieve your specific symptoms and protect your overall health.
What are Bioidentical Hormones?
Bioidentical hormones in Sacramento CA are identical to the hormones your body should be producing. Synthetic hormones, on the other hand, contain slight molecular differences that interfere with healthy absorption and can cause serious side effects. For example, while bioidentical progesterone can actually protect against breast cancer, synthetic progesterone (progestin) can increase cancer risks.
Using Bioidentical Hormones in Sacramento CA Safely and Correctly
In order for bioidentical hormones in Sacramento CA to be effective in relieving menopause symptoms, they must be used correctly as part of a high-quality treatment program. Here’s what to look for in such a program:
- Individualized dosages: In order to deliver maximum symptom relief without side effects, dosages of bioidentical hormones in Sacramento CA must be tailored to each woman’s specific body chemistry. At Renew Youth™, we rely on detailed lab testing to ensure we prescribe the right dosages.
- Treatment for all relevant hormones: There is no one single hormone that is causing your menopause symptoms. Instead, it is probably a combination of problems. At Renew Youth™, we test for multiple different hormones that affect your health and well-being during menopause and ensure they are properly balanced. This includes estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, oxytocin, and growth hormone.
- Pairing of estrogen & progesterone: Estrogen should never be replaced without also replacing progesterone, because these two hormones work in concert to help ensure estrogen is absorbed safely into the body.
- Ongoing lab testing & monitoring: Doctors should stay involved with their patients after prescribing hormone therapy, performing regular lab testing, listening to patient needs, and adjusting dosages as needed.
Ready to Learn More?
At Renew Youth™, patient education is very important to us. Dial 800-859-7511 now to learn more about bioidentical hormones in Sacramento CA and how they might fit into your treatment plan.