We provide safe options for balancing your vital female hormones in San Francisco CA.
The discovery of hormones like estrogen and testosterone was a huge leap forward in medicine, because understanding these chemical messengers suddenly helped to explain a whole host of previously mysterious conditions. As we age, hormonal decline results in the underproduction of certain vital hormones causing the familiar symptoms of menopause like mood swings, hot flashes, and weight gain to result. Fortunately, you do not have to live with the discomfort of female hormones in San Francisco CA gone haywire. Renew Youth can help you restore natural balance to your body and your life. Treatment options will be based on your test results and fine-tuned according to how you feel.
Replacing Female Hormones in San Francisco CA
When it comes to safely balancing female hormones in San Francisco CA and banishing unpleasant symptoms, our most powerful option is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. We treat the following hormones:
Estrogen: Most doctors only replace one form of estrogen, estradiol. At Renew Youth, we use compounding pharmacies that can replace estradiol and estriol. This allows us to provide women with the milder form of estrogen that has been proven to help prevent breast cancer.
Progesterone: Replacing estrogen without also replacing progesterone is dangerous, because estrogen can bind to the wrong receptors and cause unchecked cell growth (cancer). At Renew Youth we always prescribe bioidentical progesterone any time we replace estrogen.
Testosterone: Many doctors prescribe testosterone in standard dosages rather than testing your testosterone and providing only the amount you actually need. At Renew Youth, our dosages are always based on testing. This enables us to avoid side effects associated with excess testosterone, like acne.
Thyroid: There are two types of thyroid, T4 and T3. T4 only accounts for 20 percent of thyroid function, but it is the most commonly replaced type of thyroid. This means most doctors miss 80 percent of thyroid function. At Renew Youth we test T4 and T3 levels so that we can raise them both to healthy levels.
DHEA: DHEA is actually available as an over the counter supplement, but this option doesn’t provide the ability to get a customized dose. For that you need to come to an expert in female hormones in San Francisco CA such as Renew Youth.
Oxytocin: Half of women over 50 experience discomfort during sex, but only a quarter of them talk to their doctor about it. Women are also unlikely to want to discuss low sex drive or poor quality or nonexistent orgasms, and most doctors won’t ask. At Renew Youth, however, we know that sexuality is an important part of a woman’s life in menopause and beyond. We offer oxytocin nasal spray to help improve desire and create more powerful orgasms.
Other Services
While replacing female hormones in San Francisco CA is our core area of expertise, we recognize that hormone replacement therapy is most effective when women also make an effort to change their diet and their lifestyle. We provide assistance with making these changes. We have virtual nutritionists and virtual personal trainers that can provide you with customized guidance and encouragement.
Ready to Get a More Balanced Life?
Please contact Renew Youth today to get paired with a healthy female aging expert in your area.