Are You Looking for Growth Hormone Therapy in Scottsdale AZ?
Many other treatment options have popped up as estrogen replacement therapy has grown in popularity for treating menopause symptoms such as lethargy, decreased sex desire, memory loss, and others. The bad news is that you can’t rely on every Growth Hormone Therapy option in Scottsdale AZ.
The popularity of estrogen replacement therapy, like that of other products, has led to the sale of low-quality knockoffs. These predatory businesses prey on individuals seeking assistance, branding their “solutions” as “wonder medications” and polluting the market.
So, how can you be sure you have found the right option? Consider that when you choose Growth Hormone Therapy in Scottsdale AZ from Renew Youth, you will be working directly with a physician who is board-certified in healthy aging. Call us at 800-859-7511 to get started.
Hormonal Balance Isn’t Just About Estrogen
Low estrogen is a major contributor to menopause symptoms, but it doesn’t work alone. Other hormones work alongside estrogen and we treat all of these hormones at Renew Youth.
Need another reason to choose Renew Youth for Growth Hormone Therapy in Scottsdale AZ? Consider that our treatment plan includes access to certified nutritionists who can help you improve your diet, along with virtual trainers who can help you start moving.
Bioidentical Hormones Are Important in Growth Hormone Therapy in Scottsdale AZ
The correct sorts of hormones, the proper dosage of hormones, and the right delivery mechanism are all part of safe, successful treatment. What makes synthetic hormones so dangerous? Because they are not bioidentical, the body may not be able to utilize and absorb them correctly.
Hormones can be administered in a variety of ways, but patches, tablets, and other similar choices typically result in unequal hormone absorption, which can generate its own set of problems. You can trust the doctors in our network not to recommend or prescribe hazardous or unproven therapies if you choose Renew Youth for Growth Hormone Therapy in Scottsdale AZ.
Choose Growth Hormone Therapy in Scottsdale AZ That Doesn’t Create Side Effects
Replacing estrogen alone without regard for its effect on all the systems in the body is irresponsible, if not outright dangerous. Unfortunately, this is exactly what many centers do. Remember that your hormones aren’t the same today as they were when you were a teenager, and they won’t be the same in 10 years, even if you’re on hormone treatment. As a result, we continue to test and make improvements as needed.
Contact Renew Youth at 800-859-7511 if you have any other menopause-related symptoms that require attention. In addition to Growth Hormone Therapy in Scottsdale AZ, we can assist you with a variety of additional services.