Feel Like Yourself Again

Our inclusive plans provide:

  • Comprehensive lab testing every 6 months
  • Oversight from your Renew Youth doctor
  • Medications & supplies shipped to your home
  • Health Consultation team dedicated to your success

Starting from $218

Phone Consultation

Free consultations and absolutely no obligation to purchase anything


Renew Youth has been a leader in the anti-aging industry since 1999

At-Home Treatments

Complete your lab testing at a time and location convenient to you


All medication is self-administered on your time, at your place


We are a HIPAA-compliant medical company with USA licensed physicians that only prescribe real medications.

optimal results

Our membership fee gives you unlimited access to your own dedicated team of hormone experts to ensure you see optimal results.



Beat menopause symptoms and protect your health with hormone therapy for women in Tacoma WA.

If you’re wary of estrogen replacement therapy, you’re not alone. Thanks to some flawed treatment programs that got major media attention, many people are now fearful of ALL hormone replacement therapies. The fact of the matter is you may be putting your health at risk by NOT getting treatment to address hormonal imbalance, as hormones gone haywire can not only make you feel bad but also increase the risk of certain kinds of cancer. Unfortunately, not all doctors know how to replace hormones correctly. In order to protect against side effects, hormone therapy for women in Tacoma WA should include these safeguards:

  • Administered by qualified professionals
  • Provides individualized dosages of relevant hormones
  • Uses only bioidentical hormones
  • Pairs estrogen and progesterone
  • Uses safe delivery methods–not patches or pills
  • Can be adjusted based on your test results and symptoms

Renew Youth™ provides the safe and effective treatment options you need. Our hormone therapy for women in Tacoma WA is based on proven science and administered by board-certified medical professionals in your local area.

More Estrogen Isn’t All You Need to Beat Menopause Symptoms

You hear a lot about low estrogen at menopause, so you might think relieving menopause symptoms is as simple as replacing estrogen. In reality, treatment is more complicated.

First of all, you need to be sure the correct forms of estrogen are used.

Rather than just prescribing estradiol, as most doctors do, we use a compounding pharmacy to provide a bi-est formula containing estradiol and estriol. Why? Because estriol is needed to moderate the influence of estradiol and ensure it is absorbed properly in the body.

Secondly, you need the correct dose of estrogen for your body chemistry. We’ll base your dosages on ongoing lab testing and fine tune them according to how you feel.

Third, remember that other hormones besides estrogen can become unbalanced during menopause. That’s why our hormone therapy for women in Tacoma WA includes options for addressing:

  • Estrogen
  • Progesterone
  • Testosterone
  • Thyroid
  • Cortisol
  • DHEA

Why You Need Bioidentical Hormones

Synthetic hormones are almost–but not quite–identical to the hormones your body would naturally produce. These small differences can lead to serious complications when synthetic hormones are used in hormone therapy for women in Tacoma WA. One of the worst synthetic hormones is progestin. The whole point of replacing progesterone is to support healthy estrogen absorption, but if the synthetic form progestin is used it actually undermines some of the heart-healthy protective benefits of estrogen. It can also cause other side effects including breast cancer, fluid retention, and hair loss. Bioidentical progesterone, on the other hand, has no side effects.

Why Choose Renew Youth™ for Hormone Therapy for Women in Tacoma WA

Our hormone therapy for women in Tacoma WA tackles the root cause of menopause symptoms without exposing you to unpleasant side effects like sleep aids, anti-depressants, or other medications recommended by your doctor might. Our healthy aging experts always have time to talk to you. Please call now for a free consultation.

Call Us Today   800-859-7511