Feel Like Yourself Again

Our inclusive plans provide:

  • Comprehensive lab testing every 6 months
  • Oversight from your Renew Youth doctor
  • Medications & supplies shipped to your home
  • Health Consultation team dedicated to your success

Starting from $218

Phone Consultation

Free consultations and absolutely no obligation to purchase anything


Renew Youth has been a leader in the anti-aging industry since 1999

At-Home Treatments

Complete your lab testing at a time and location convenient to you


All medication is self-administered on your time, at your place


We are a HIPAA-compliant medical company with USA licensed physicians that only prescribe real medications.

optimal results

Our membership fee gives you unlimited access to your own dedicated team of hormone experts to ensure you see optimal results.



Feel like yourself again with personalized Low T therapy in Tacoma WA

Do you feel like you’re losing your edge at work and in the bedroom? Your fatigue, fuzzy thinking, low sex drive, and other symptoms are almost certainly linked to low testosterone. You may have tried to raise your testosterone levels yourself following diet and exercise advice from a magazine, but you probably haven’t seen much improvement in your symptoms. Don’t give up on testosterone treatment! You can feel better; you just need a better treatment protocol such as Renew Youth’s™ Low T therapy in Tacoma WA.

Benefits of Low T Therapy in Tacoma WA

When administered properly and supported by healthy diet and exercise,Renew Youth™ Low T therapy in Tacoma WA can deliver significant benefits for your personal, professional, and romantic life:

  • More energy
  • Better mood
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Reinvigorated sex drive & performance
  • Improved mental quickness & memory
  • Stronger bones
  • Better heart & prostate health
  • Improved ability to lose weight and build lean muscle

Our chosen method for delivery of Low T therapy in Tacoma WA is self-administered injection. Unlike testosterone patches and testosterone pellets, which can deliver too much or too little testosterone for your needs, injections allow for highly precise dosages. This ensures you get enough testosterone to relieve your symptoms, but not so much that you experience side effects.

We Offer Personalized Treatment Solutions

Using a one-size-fits-all testosterone supplement or injection is not the right way to treat Low T. Yet many doctors do this. The resulting therapy may not raise your testosterone to healthy levels, or it may flood your system with excess testosterone that would then convert to estrogen and become dangerous. At Renew Youth™, we take a personalized approach with our Low T therapy in Tacoma WA. We provide dosages tailored to the needs of each individual patient, so you don’t just get some testosterone, you get the precise amount of testosterone you need to be healthy. We run tests to establish baseline levels of testosterone and other hormones, and we continue to test as the treatment progresses to ensure everything is going smoothly.

We Balance All Relevant Hormones

Testosterone does play a huge role in male aging. However, it does not act alone. Imbalances in other vital hormones including estrogen, thyroid, DHEA, and cortisol can also cause or contribute to andropause symptoms. If testosterone is replaced without regard for these other hormones, not only will you not experience optimal relief from your symptoms; your health may actually be put in jeopardy. The good news is you can rely on our safe and effective Low T therapy in Tacoma WA to provide the quality help you need. We will include treatments to bring all your vital hormones into a healthy balance and keep them balanced throughout your treatment.

Find Your Renew Youth™ Doctor Now

Thanks to Renew Youth™, a younger, healthier, happier you is just Contact Renew Youth™. We’ll pair you with a local Renew Youth™ doctor with ample experience in Low T therapy in Tacoma WA.

Call Us Today   800-859-7511