Beat menopause symptoms and protect your health with hormone therapy for women in Tempe AZ.
Many women–and their doctors–are misinformed about the safety of hormone therapy following media reports on several flawed studies. The fact of the matter is you may be putting your health at risk by NOT getting treatment to address hormonal imbalance, as hormones gone haywire can not only make you feel bad but also increase the risk of certain kinds of cancer. In order to get peace of mind that you are choosing a quality hormone therapy for women in Tempe AZ that will not put you in danger, look for these attributes:
- Administered by qualified professionals
- Provides individualized dosages of relevant hormones
- Uses only bioidentical hormones
- Pairs estrogen and progesterone
- Uses safe delivery methods–not patches or pills
- Can be adjusted based on your test results and symptoms
At Renew Youth™, we give you all these safeguards and more. Our hormone therapy for women in Tempe AZ is based on proven science and administered by board-certified medical professionals in your local area.
More Estrogen Isn’t All You Need to Beat Menopause Symptoms
You hear a lot about low estrogen at menopause, so you might think relieving menopause symptoms is as simple as replacing estrogen. In reality, treatment is more complicated.
First of all, you need to be sure the correct forms of estrogen are used.
Rather than just prescribing estradiol, as most doctors do, we use a compounding pharmacy to provide a bi-est formula containing estradiol and estriol. Why? Because estriol is needed to moderate the influence of estradiol and ensure it is absorbed properly in the body.
Secondly, bear in mind that different women will need different dosages of estrogen. We provide individualized dosages based on the results of your lab tests and your symptoms.
Third, remember that other hormones besides estrogen can become unbalanced during menopause. That’s why our hormone therapy for women in Tempe AZ includes options for addressing:
- Estrogen
- Progesterone
- Testosterone
- Thyroid
- Cortisol
Why You Need Bioidentical Hormones
Taking synthetic hormones, especially the synthetic form of progesterone (progestin), is extremely risky and has been shown to significantly increase the risk of breast cancer and coronary disease. Progestin also promotes some of the very menopause symptoms you may be trying to eliminate, including weight gain and hair loss. Bioidentical progesterone, on the other hand, is actually protective of breast, heart, and brain health because it helps ensure that estrogen binds to the correct receptors in the body. Bioidentical hormones in general are safer for hormone therapy for women in Tempe AZ than synthetic ones because their chemical structure is identical to that of the hormones your body would naturally produce.
Why Choose Renew Youth™ for Hormone Therapy for Women in Tempe AZ
Chances are, your efforts to relieve your menopause symptoms using your regular doctor have not been satisfactory. It may be very difficult to get an appointment with your doctor, and when you do, you may just be given some medication or another with a recommendation to try it out and see how you feel. This approach is not likely to address the underlying cause of your symptoms. At Renew Youth™, we demystify the menopause treatment process and get you the comprehensive treatment you need to tackle all your symptoms, namely quality hormone therapy for women in Tempe AZ. Please give us a call or Contact us online to learn more.