Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

Understanding Erectile Dysfunction in Men

E.D. has many root causes. Fortunately, there are also solutions. If you get nothing else from this paragraph, get this: We can help.

E.D.’s Prevalence

You should also know that E.D. is common:

  • By age 40, 40% of adult men have some degree of E.D.
  • This increases to about 70% by age 70.
  • The rate of E.D. in the adult male population overall is 52%.
  • D. affects 30 million men in the United States.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Low Testosterone

Men need testosterone to function sexually. And they need a lot of it.

Elevated Estrogen

Men need some estrogen for heart, bone, and brain health. But too much estrogen is counterproductive for men…particularly relative to sexual function.

Other Health Conditions and Medications

Common health conditions that cause E.D. include diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, various conditions of the prostate, and some surgeries. High blood pressure medication, antidepressants, and blood thinners are also culprits.

Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

There are more treatment options available today than most men realize. The trick is to find the right combination of solutions for you. We can help with that. We’ll start by making sure your hormones are optimized. For men who continue to have E.D. after hormones are balanced, we have a progression of other options that can restore function. Every man deserves to have a satisfying sex life. Let’s get yours back.

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