

Fatigue in Men

Have you lost your edge? If you’re tired all the time, everything tends to suffer. Low testosterone can cause fatigue in and of itself. But when other hormones are out of balance, it just makes matters worse…especially when fatigue is exacerbated by other symptoms.

Depression and Insomnia

The fatigue associated with andropause can be a byproduct of andropause-related depression. On the flip side, depression can cause or aggravate fatigue. It can also disrupt sleep. And if you aren’t sleeping well…you’ll be even more tired. It all becomes a vicious circle.

Night Sweats

Hot flashes are also symptomatic of imbalanced hormones. When they happen at night, sleep is disrupted. The result is fatigue during the day.


Changes in metabolism go hand-in-hand with fatigue. When the body is slow to turn food into fuel due to imbalanced hormones, energy levels can plumet.

Stress and Adrenal Fatigue

Each of the symptoms listed above can cause stress. When under stress, the adrenal glands release cortisol. If too much cortisol is secreted for too long, the adrenal glands can become fatigued. The result is cortisol production that is inadequate for good health, with exhaustion being a common byproduct.

Treatment for Fatigue

The key to treating fatigue during andropause is restoring hormones to optimal levels. When hormones are balanced, vitality is restored. Depression and night sweats disappear. Metabolism is boosted and sleep improves. In short, you’ll get your edge back.

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