Muscle Loss

Muscle Loss

Muscle Loss in Men

Are you losing muscle mass? Or finding it difficult to build new muscle? Or perhaps you aren’t as strong as you used to be. If this sounds familiar, you may have low testosterone.

Causes of Muscle Loss

Muscle mass is directly related to testosterone levels, exercise, and nutrition.


Men need adequate levels of testosterone for converting protein to muscle. Without sufficient testosterone, protein synthesis is compromised, and muscle mass suffers.


Optimal testosterone levels will not be helpful if you aren’t active. Your muscles need testosterone, but they also need to be worked.


Muscles need protein, amino acids, and nutrients to grow. If your diet is high in sugar and low in protein and nutrients, your muscles will not have the fuel they need to regenerate themselves.

Treatment for Muscle Loss

Treatment for muscle loss includes testosterone replacement, combined with exercise and a healthy diet. But we don’t stop there. We have other creative solutions like growth hormone therapy and injectable nutrients that can take your workouts to the next level.

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