

40 percent of men are Vitamin D deficient—don’t let yourself be counted among them.

It’s not really a vitamin, but nevertheless the prohormone known as Vitamin D is an essential part of a healthy diet. Unfortunately, 40 percent of men don’t have healthy levels of Vitamin D in their bodies. Many of these men are actually severely deficient in Vitamin D. Read on to learn why you need to keep an eye on your Vitamin D intake as you age and how to boost your levels.

Health Problems in Vitamin D Deficient Men

A growing body of research is linking low Vitamin D to all kinds of health problems, including:

  • Lower back pain
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart problems
  • Arthritis
  • Overall mortality risk

It is important to note that in most of the research on these topics, the results were only sufficient to establish a link between low Vitamin D and the health problem. It is not yet proven whether Vitamin D deficiency is a cause or a result of these problems.

Vitamin D for Bone Health

One problem that has been conclusively established to be an effect of low Vitamin D is osteoporosis. Without healthy Vitamin D levels, the body has difficultly using calcium to replenish bone mass. In aging men, this problem can be exacerbated by the fact that low testosterone and low estrogen also interfere with bone health.

Where to Get Your Vitamin D

The simplest way to boost your Vitamin D to a healthy level is simply to go outside. One study found that although in general Vitamin D levels decrease with age, men over 60 who enjoyed some amount of daily outdoor activity had the Vitamin D levels of a much younger man. About 15 minutes of sun exposure should be enough to help your body produce the Vitamin D it needs. However, if you have dark skin or live in a northern climate you may need slightly more sun exposure.

You can also get Vitamin D from your diet. While Vitamin D supplements do exist, typically it is better to get your Vitamin D from food sources instead. Some good choices include:

  • Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese
  • Sardines and salmon
  • Greens like bok choy and kale
  • Fortified orange juice or cereal
  • Calcium-enriched soy products
  • Walnuts and flax seeds

If you have questions about male aging, please don’t hesitate to contact Renew Man™ today.

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