Weight Loss Therapy

Weight Loss Therapy

Weight Loss Therapy for Men

Losing weight is hard under any circumstances. And aging just makes it harder. Metabolism slows down. Lifestyle habits shift. Next thing you know…that extra pound or two each year is adding up.

Facts About Weight Gain in Men

Contrary to what many people believe, metabolism is more complicated than “calories in/calories out”. The notion that everyone who struggles to lose weight lacks discipline is also false. Following are some common reasons for weight gain:

  1. Genetics—If your family tree is rife with overweight people, there’s a good chance you will be predisposed to gaining weight more easily.
  2. Medications—Antidepressants, steroids (like prednisone), antihistamines, and other medications can cause weight gain as a side effect.
  3. Medical Conditions—Depression, insomnia, and many other medical conditions can contribute to weight gain.
  4. Lifestyle Habits—A poor diet combined with insufficient physical activity will make weight loss difficult. Stress and insufficient sleep can complicate matters.
  5. Hormone Imbalance—Low testosterone makes it more difficult to build and maintain the lean muscle needed for burning fat. Elevated estrogen makes it easier to gain fat (particularly around the midsection), and also makes it harder to lose. Thyroid deficiency is notorious for causing a sluggish metabolism. And excess cortisol production from long-term stress frequently causes weight gain.
  6. Aging—With age, your metabolism is likely to slow. This is generally due to imbalanced hormones, as well as an increase in insulin resistance. Without a reduction in caloric intake, or steps to improve your metabolism, weight gain is the likely result.

Solutions for Weight Loss

(When Balanced Hormones and Improved Lifestyle Habits Aren’t Enough)

GLP-1 (Semaglutide and Tirzepatide)

Semaglutide and tirzepatide are analogues of “glucagon-like peptide-1” (also known as GLP-1), and they are taken as a once weekly injection.

GLP-1 acts on parts of the brain and gut that control appetite, fullness, and how quickly the stomach empties.

GLP-1 analogues like semaglutide and tirzepatide were originally approved as a treatment for type 2 diabetes but have more recently been approved as a weight loss solution for non-diabetics. The primary benefits of semaglutide and tirzepatide are:

  • Appetite Suppression— Semaglutide and tirzepatide reduce appetite and slow the rate at which the stomach empties after eating.
  • Glucose Control— Semaglutide and tirzepatide improve blood sugar control and improve insulin sensitivity.
  • Weight Loss— Clinical trials have shown that patients using semaglutide and tirzepatide may achieve weight loss comparable to the results of weight loss surgery.

Semaglutide and tirzepatide can cause gastrointestinal issues for some individuals, but these symptoms are usually transient. Gradual titration of dosing can help to prevent and alleviate such symptoms.

Patients with a history of pancreatitis and those with a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer are usually not candidates for this medication.


Metformin has been used since 1994 for blood sugar control. It reduces glucose in the blood by improving insulin sensitivity. Two primary benefits of metformin include glucose control and weight loss.

While metformin is well-tolerated by most people, some patients experience gastrointestinal distress while taking it. However, these symptoms usually subside over time.

Lipotropic Injections and Amino Acid Injections 

Lipotropic injections contain nutrients that help the body to eliminate fat deposits. Common ingredients in these injections include methionine, inositol, choline, and vitamin B12.

Amino acid injections are beneficial for building muscle (which helps to increase metabolism) and for burning fat. Common ingredients in amino acid injections include glutamine, arginine, and carnitine.

Method of Treatment

  1. We start with lab testing to check your hormone and glucose levels.
  2. If hormones are imbalanced, our physicians will recommend hormone replacement therapy. If this approach meets with your approval, individualized treatment will be prescribed for you.
  3. If a more aggressive approach to weight loss is needed/desired, our physicians will discuss the options described above with you and will prescribe medication as appropriate.
  4. Our physicians will talk with you about lifestyle habits that will be supportive of your weight loss efforts.
  5. Follow up lab testing will be ordered at regular intervals, with specific tests varying depending upon your treatment regimen.

Are you struggling to lose weight? Whatever your goals, weight loss medications are just another tool in our better aging toolbox.

Let’s talk about your options.

Call Us Today   800-859-7511