Tips for helping women and their partners overcome erectile dysfunction or low sex drive.
The experience of menopause can be hard on many couples’ sex lives. What you may not realize is that even as you are struggling with your own age-related hormonal symptoms, your partner may be going through the same type of experience. Male menopause, aka andropause, brings a host of problems that are quite similar to menopause symptoms, but unfortunately often go undiagnosed because “the change” is much more gradual for men.
ED (erectile dysfunction) and low sex drive are two common symptoms of male menopause that your partner might be experiencing. The good news is that when these symptoms have a hormonal cause, they can also have a hormonal cure. Here are some tips for overcoming ED and low sex drive together with your partner.
Get Hormone Levels Tested
Both you and your partner should get your hormone levels tested to determine if hormone balance is behind the slow-down in your sex life. For both men and women, low testosterone is typically the culprit behind reduced desire for sex. However, while testosterone is responsible for physical desire, factors that interfere with emotional desire must also be considered. These factors could include menopause and andropause symptoms like depression, irritability, and fatigue, which may be related to different hormones.
Exploring Treatment Options
Both men and women can enjoy heightened sexual desire and experience by restoring a youthful balance to their hormones. For women, Renew Woman™ offers testosterone therapy to boost sex drive, estrogen therapy to relieve vaginal dryness, and oxytocin therapy to boost orgasms. For men, Renew Man’s testosterone therapy is typically sufficient to renew natural, youthful vigor. However, other hormones may also need to be addressed to protect men’s health during treatment.
Be Prepared for Changes
When undergoing treatment with Renew Man™, andropausal men typically begin to experience increased morning erections, sex dreams, and sexual desire during the third and fourth week of treatment. This is a very exciting time for both partners. However, neither one of you should feel pressured to perform. Make time to renew your emotional connection as well as your physical one if needed.
Since it can take longer for women to discover their ideal testosterone dose for renewing their own sex drive, it may be best for the woman to begin her treatment before her male partner, to ensure both parties will be ready to renew their intimacy when the time comes.